Spotlight Artist: Amanda Kathens Mayne Wellstead

Amanda Wellstead found something she never knew she had…

All of us struggle to believe that we’re a “real” artist at times. 

We’re visited by that little nagging voice of imposter syndrome… Whispering in our ear to compare ourselves to others…

Telling us that our work isn’t good enough, and that we don’t know what we’re doing. 

When Amanda Wellstead began our Become Internationally Known program seven months ago, she too struggled with this. 

She felt ashamed of her artwork… And ashamed of feeling that way!

But not today… Amanda recently finished an exciting new body of work that she feels confident in. Her paintings are on display in public settings and she is being commissioned to make more. 

What helped her? 

She found a beautiful community of artists. With their support, she was able to get into the studio and approach potential collectors… In spite of her fears. 

Community changed everything. 

“Things couldn't be more different. I now love naming myself as an artist and I am more than happy to show people my work. I celebrate who I am and encourage others to do the same. I am a different person with a new map and direction. I feel bigger, happier, fulfilled, joyful and capable. I love what I do.” 

                                -Amanda Wellstead

Check out more of Amanda’s work here. 

Beyond sound, Collage and oils on board, 122x61cm, 2022, I remember despite myself, Collage and oils on board, 120x15cm, 2022, Halcyon days, Collage digital print, 63x10cm, 2022, On the wings of mission, Collage digital print, 63x10cm, 2022