Spotlight Artist: Howell Burnell

Artist Howell Burnell wants you to know…

If there's one thing Howell Burnell knows, it's that distractions and addictions aren't worth it.

"Don't distract yourself with complicated money-making schemes and soul-numbing addictions. You don't need fixing. In almost every case, the solution is to go make more art. The alchemy is in the studio."

Before he joined the Become Internationally Known program seven months ago, Howell struggled to loosen up in his studio. He was afraid of the unknown, and his work felt too rigid. 

Today, his studio is a much more vibrant and playful place. He has completed 8 new paintings, designed an upcoming exhibit, and created a digital, interactive experience of his paintings.  

His creative experiments and dedication to his art practice taught him that almost always, his answers are found by working in the studio.

Putting more of himself into the work, not less. 

Acrylic_30x40inches, Acrylic_36x36inches, Acrylic_36x36inches, Acrylic_24x24inches, Acrylic_30x40inches

How did he get here? 

He opened his heart wide. He faced his distractions and addictions… And he worked with artists in our community to become more comfortable with the unknown and to work with his shadow side. 

Every day, his work feels more true to who he is. Working in his studio brings him into conversation with his true self, helping him embrace new opportunities as they arrive. 

Check out his artwork here:

Jessica Serran