Spotlight Artist: Barb Fedun

Barb Fedun on befriending your inner critic with purpose

Barb Fedun’s inner critic had a LOT to say. Especially when her paintings were in a mid-way stage and she wasn't clear how they would turn out. 

With the support of the Become Internationally Known artist community, Barb chose to do something radical. 

She became good friends with her inner critic. She painted a picture of her and hung it on her studio wall. 

Instead of fighting with her inner critic, she got to know and understand her better. She understood that these conversations were simply part of her process in the studio. 

Accepting that self-doubt and leaning into the unknown were a normal part of her creative journey freed her up to get more in touch with WHY she was making the work. 

Trusting the process also deepened her trust with universal intelligence. She was able to connect with her deepest desires and purpose in making her artwork. 

“The biggest change is that I have a reason for being an artist, my Big Why - which brings more love and less harm into the world. I am excited to get into the studio and much more confident and know I have help from the unseen world. I know I am a creative being and that requires stepping into the unknown over and over again. I am proud of myself for doing this.” -Barb Fedun

Check out more of Barb’s work here.

Constant Becoming, Acrylic, 20in x 20in, 2022, Acceptance, Acrylic, 20in x 20in, 2022, Brave Move, Acrylic, 20in x 20in, 2022