Terms and Conditions


We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time. This includes; Any and all of our public and private Facebook Groups, membership to our Empowered Artists Creating Anything They Desire Facebook Group, membership to The Sanctuary for Artists who are Keeping Their Ass in the Studio Facebook Group and membership to The Accelerator for Artists who are Becoming Internationally Known, any and all mailing lists, any and all of our Social Media accounts should you not comply with our Terms and Conditions.


Every effort has been made to represent all programs and their potential accurately. Any claims made of actual results can be verified upon written request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone achieves the same or similar results. By law, we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results or earn any money from our programs. Each individual's success depends on background, dedication, desire and motivation. Because these factors differ according to each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, income level or results.


You, as the customer and client, hereby understand that the tools, processes, strategies, materials and information presented in these courses and programs are confidential, copyrighted, and proprietary to Jessica Serran and the BECOMING and agree not to record, duplicate, distribute, teach or train from Jessica Serran and/or the BECOMING materials in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Jessica Serran. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these proprietary concepts, materials, and intellectual property by you or your representatives is prohibited, and Jessica Serran, owner of the BECOMING, may pursue legal action and full damages if these terms are violated in order to protect its rights.


Rights for termination from any of our courses or coaching programs include not complying with the Terms and Conditions outlined here, not respecting the processes of other artists, unprofessional behaviour, sharing course information: logins, passwords and course content, copyright infringement, inappropriate comments and behaviour, lack of respect for any and all Team Members and Jessica Serran, not honouring your payment schedule, and any other reasons at the discretion of Jessica Serran and the BECOMING. Safety and respecting the process and artistic output of all artists is the highest value and priority of Jessica Serran and the BECOMING.



This is a safe space where artists from all walks of life come to build each other up. Celebrating each other’s success is critical! To be in this group requires a willingness to see the success of another and celebrate it as if it’s your own.


We pride ourselves on providing free and powerful advice to artists around the globe… And invite you to freely take what is on offer. If you crave more support than what's available in this community, please reach out to support@thebecoming to inquire about ways to work with us. We ask that you honour our firm, and loving boundaries.


One of the most important things to know is that WHAT you post and HOW you ASK FOR FEEDBACK matters… deeply. For you and for everyone reading your post. If you want great feedback, post your work and then ask for what you actually want… and BE SPECIFIC!

Do you want people to cheer and celebrate?
Do you want comments on colour or composition?
Are you looking to hear how the work affects the viewer?
Are you asking if others feel it's complete?


Give more than you take to this group. Show us your art, and invite us to your show, but please don’t use this as a space to find new collectors or sell your program.


Please Note: Our Group Coaching Call and Livestream Policy

Group Coaching Calls and Livestreams are recorded. By being on a call, you agree to be recorded when you speak, and you have the option to listen and not speak. Recordings in part or in whole may be transcribed or used by the BECOMING to produce written, audio, or video materials; for courses; or training and evaluation of the coach or facilitator by mentor coaches or for credentialing examinations.

Some recordings may be occasionally used by the BECOMING for marketing purposes. Permission is given for the confidential use of these recordings by the BECOMING for any of these purposes, and the contents of all recordings are the intellectual property of the BECOMING. We do not allow Zoom to use any of our audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments, or other communications to train Zoom’s or third-party artificial intelligence models. By being on a call or livestream, you agree to these terms and conditions.


We only accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards and PayPal. The reference THEBECOMING.ART or JESSICASERRAN.COM will appear on your credit card statement.



If you purchase a Downloadable Guide, 5-day Mini-Course, 8-day Mini-Course, Self-Study Program or a Masterclass, instructions on downloading the course or getting started shall be provided immediately. Due to the nature of these products, once purchased, they are non-refundable.


Jessica is confident that any artist with a body of art to sell (valued at $1000 or more) who follows this step-by-step plan to the letter will have their first 4-figure month in 30 days or less!

How do you know if your art is worth $1000 or more? Don't worry; we have you covered!

Jessica has seen time and time again that artists chronically (and drastically) undercharge for their art. So inside the 4-Figure Month Game Plan, we've included a robust pricing exercise to help you see the true value of your work and make those sales.

If you're newer in your career and taking this workshop to learn the foundational skills your art career requires... or have never sold a piece of art… And therefore might not have art valued at $1000 or more yet… 

Jessica is confident you'll sell your first piece within 30 days by following this step-by-step plan. We're so confident that you'll get our famous "No Starving Artist Guarantee," and after 30 days of following our 30-Day Action Plan, if you haven't made back at least $500 OR sold your first piece of art (depending on what stage of career you're at)... We'll refund the full cost of your ticket! 

This game plan works; to get to the gold, you must take action on the plan! 

If you completed all the course content (as evidenced in your 3 Workbooks)... Attended or listened to the replay of the Masterclass... And posted according to the 30-Day Action Plan on at least one of your Social Media channels... 

And after 30 days, have yet to sell your first piece of art OR make at least $500 (again, depending on what stage of your career you're in), we'll refund your investment in the program.



The Unstoppable Artist Guarantee
Solely applicable for clients of the Keep Your Ass in the Studio Program (2023 onwards)

Jessica is confident that any artist who has studied their craft (meaning that you are skillful and savvy with your chosen materials) and completes all 12 weekly lessons… While showing up to ask for the support and coaching you need… Will create a coherent body of 3 - 8 new pieces that feel distinctly your own and wildly authentic by the end of this 4-Month Mentorship.

Keep Your Ass in the Studio has been designed specifically with painters, illustrators, photographers, mixed media artists, animators, textile artists, designers, sculptors, craftspeople and those working with social practice in mind.

Jessica has seen, time and time again, what happens when an artist finally understands what’s stopping them internally and combines this with inspired action in the studio. The result? Their creative flow is activated, and wildly authentic art pours out of them.

Inside Keep Your Ass in the Studio, you get everything you need to create a coherent body of work, including a 4-month Step-by-Step Action Plan with Artist-Designed Course Content… Monthly Accountability… Weekly Mindset Strategies…a Thriving Community of Like-Minded Artists… 3 LIVE Community Coaching Calls a Month with Jessica... And SO much more!

We’re so confident you’ll love this program that you'll get our famous "Unstoppable Artist Guarantee."


Jessica has built a step-by-step process into the program that helps you identify your specific goals, including how many pieces it makes sense for you to complete… Based on your own pace, medium, scale and working style… So you can set goals that you consistently achieve.

And if, after 4 months of completing all the program content (as evidenced in your Keep Your Ass in the Studio Workbook and online Program Portal)... Attended or listened to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls... And asked for help in our Facebook Group monthly ...

If you haven't made at least 3 new pieces of art, we'll refund the full cost of the program!

Keep Your Ass in the Studio works, and to get to the gold, you must take action on the plan!


If you're newer to art-making and taking this 4-Month Mentorship to learn the foundational skills your studio practice requires... And are not yet confident with your chosen mediums, Jessica is certain that you’ll have the creative breakthroughs and sense of confidence you need to create your first piece of art that feels authentically you, faster than what feels possible now... And that you'll have the tools you need to maintain a consistent studio practice.

If, at the end of 4 months, you haven't made at least 1 new piece of art that feels wildly authentic, we'll refund the full cost of the program!


We also understand that most performances, animations, books, or installations require more than 4-months to complete, and we respect that process.

If, after completing all the program content (as evidenced in your Keep Your Ass in the Studio Workbook and online Program Portal)... Attended or listened to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls... And asked for help in our Facebook Group monthly ... And you haven't completed the amount of work you decided you would during Lesson 2 of the program (I.e. a certain number of chapters, songs, or amount of progress on your performance) after following Jessica's step-by-step process for identifying how much work you can realistically create during 4-months... We'll refund the full cost of the program.

Please know that “The Unstoppable Artist Guarantee” guarantee only applies to artists whose work results in tangible objects.



Established Artists

If you're at the stage of your career where you already have a solid reputation as an artist among art critics, art buyers, galleries, and other stakeholders in the art world, have exhibited in, or are represented by leading art galleries and art museums... and have received national and international recognition, we’d consider you an ESTABLISHED artist!

Jessica has built artist-friendly, step-by-step processes into the accelerator to help you identify your specific objectives — including where you’d like to take your art next… how many pieces of work your next Unparalleled Body of Art requires… the kind of mind-blowing and paradigm-defying exhibition you want to create… And a viable plan for a sustainable career with multiple income streams — all based on your own pace, art, audience and working style…

So you can create a career that satisfies you creatively, spiritually, professionally and financially. 

Jessica knows that even with a long list of successes on your CV, financial stability and authenticity can still feel like an on-and-off love affair, which is why, even if you’ve received regional or national recognition, but know that something is still missing, you’ll create an Unparalleled Body of Art that feels more true than anything you’ve created, have a successful solo show that redefines what a solo show is, and create a plan for financial stability (based on one or more income streams), and gain the tools you need to create a fulfilling and lucrative art career, on your terms. 


If after your first 3 months of completing ALL the accelerator content (Trimester 1, as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Trimester 1 Workbook and online Program Portal), attending or listening to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls, and asking for help in our Facebook community monthly...  

You haven’t broken through to the next level with your Unparalleled Body of Art or feel that you’re on your way to completing it, we’ll refund the cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

Your Unparalleled Body of Art often feels deeply like the work you know you were born to make — it’s an expression of your purpose on the planet and is entirely singular in its unique message and style… something only YOU could create. 

We know that sometimes, your Unparalleled Body of Art will take more than 3 months to complete, but if by the end of Trimester 1, with the completion of the accelerator content, you still don't feel like you've tapped that vein, we’ll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

And if, after 12 months of completing all the accelerator content (as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Workbooks and online Program Portal), attending or listening to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls, Inner Circle Sessions and Expert Masterclasses, and asking for help in our Facebook community monthly ...  

IF you haven't made an Unparalleled Body of Art, as defined above…

IF you haven’t had a successful solo show, unlike anything you’ve created before, with a room full of your ideal collectors and a body of well-priced art — a show that gets press coverage and the specific feedback you want… 

IF you aren’t set up with a viable financial plan for one or more income streams and have achieved your financial goal (don’t worry, BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN will help you decide on a big and exciting but achievable goal). 

We'll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees)!

Because we know that BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN works, you must take action to get to the gold. We’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Please know that “The Thriving Artist Guarantee” guarantee for established artists only applies to artists whose work results in tangible objects. If you create Intangible or Non-Salable Objects, please see the section below. 

Emerging & Mid-Career Artists

If you're in the early stages of your career and taking this 12-month accelerator to learn the foundational skills required to build your own epic art career and create an independent body of work, OR you’ve created an independent body of work over a number of years and had a significant number of solo shows and/or group exhibitions (and perhaps turned your process into a salable product!), we'd consider you an EMERGING or MID-CAREER artist…

Whichever camp you’re in, Jessica has built easy-to-follow, step-by-step processes into the accelerator to help you identify your specific objectives — including how many pieces of work your Unparalleled Body of Art requires, the kind of exhibition(s) you want to create, and the amount of money you’d like to make — all based on your own pace, art, audience and working style… so you can set goals that you consistently achieve. 

Jessica is certain that even if you are just starting your journey to exhibiting your work in group and solo shows (emerging), OR have exhibited your work but haven’t yet received regional or national recognition (mid-career), you’ll create an Unparalleled Body of Art, have your first (or tenth!) successful solo show, receive public recognition for your art, achieve the financial goal the accelerator will help you set, and gain the tools you need to create a fulfilling and lucrative art career. 


If after your first 3 months of completing ALL the accelerator content (Trimester 1, as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Trimester 1 Workbook and online Program Portal), attending or listening to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls, and asking for help in our Facebook community monthly...  

You haven’t made an Unparalleled Body of Art or feel that you’re on your way to completing it, we’ll refund the cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

Your Unparalleled Body of Art often feels deeply like the work you know you were born to make — it’s an expression of your purpose on the planet and is entirely singular in its unique message and style… something only YOU could create. 

We know that sometimes, your Unparalleled Body of Art will take more than 3 months to complete, but if by the end of Trimester 1, with the completion of the accelerator content, you still don't feel like you've tapped that vein, we’ll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

And if, after 12 months of completing all the accelerator content (as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Workbooks and online Program Portal), attending or listening to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls, Inner Circle Sessions and Expert Masterclasses, and asking for help in our Facebook community monthly ...  

IF you haven't made an Unparalleled Body of Art, as defined above…

IF you haven’t had at least one successful solo show, with a room full of your ideal collectors and a body of well-priced art — a show that gets press coverage and the specific feedback you want… 

IF you haven’t received public recognition for your art — depending on what you create with your exhibition — and achieved your financial goal (don’t worry, BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN will help you decide on a big and exciting but achievable goal). 

We'll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees)!

Because we know that BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN works, you must take action to get to the gold. We’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Please know that “The Thriving Artist Guarantee” guarantee for both emerging and mid-career artists only applies to artists whose work results in tangible objects. If you create Intangible or Non-Salable Objects, please see the section below. 

Artists Who Create Intangible Or Non-Salable Objects

We understand that many artistic processes, including performances, animation, book writing, and/or installation, do not qualify as salable objects and, therefore, require alternative funding models. 

If that’s your zone of genius, listen up! 

If you enroll in BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN and after completing ALL the accelerator content (as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Workbook and online Program Portal), attending or listening to at least 75% of all Group Coaching Calls, Inner Circle Sessions and Expert Masterclasses, receiving support with your Grant Application from our Artist Support Team, and asking for help in our Facebook Group monthly… 

And you haven't received 50% of the funding your project requires through grants, crowdsourcing or alternative funding strategies… 

We'll refund the full cost of the program (minus any payment processing fees)! 

Please know that “The Thriving Artist Guarantee” guarantee for both emerging and mid-career artists only applies to artists whose work results in tangible objects.

Because we’ve seen BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN work for ALL KINDS of artists (if they’re willing to take action)… so we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

*We define an artist who has BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN as one who has created an Epic Art Career on THEIR terms, based on a business model that works for them and reaches their ideal audience, clients and/or set of collectors all across the globe… be that through social media, in-person international events, or from the comfort of your home.


Our Famous Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me 100% Refund Guarantee

If you're in the early stages of your career and using this Resource Library to learn the foundational skills required to build your own epic art career and create an independent body of work, OR you’ve created an independent body of work over a number of years and had a significant number of solo shows and/or group exhibitions (and perhaps turned your process into a salable product!), we'd consider you an EMERGING or MID-CAREER artist…

Whichever camp you’re in, Jessica has built easy-to-follow, step-by-step processes into the Resource Library to help you identify your specific objectives — including how many pieces of work your Unparalleled Body of Art requires, the kind of exhibition(s) you want to create, and the amount of money you’d like to make — all based on your own pace, art, audience and working style… so you can set goals that you consistently achieve.

Jessica is certain that even if you are just starting your journey to exhibiting your work in group and solo shows (emerging), OR have exhibited your work but haven’t yet received regional or national recognition (mid-career), you’ll create an Unparalleled Body of Art, have your first (or tenth!) successful solo show, and gain the tools you need to make back your investment on the program and build the foundation of a fulfilling and lucrative art career… if, of course, you complete all the lessons.


In the case that, after 9 months of completing ALL the Resource Library content in sequential order (as evidenced in your BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Resource Library Workbooks and online Program Portal)... 

You haven’t made an Unparalleled Body of Art or feel that you’re on your way to completing it (your Unparalleled Body of Art often feels deeply like the work you know you were born to make — it’s an expression of your purpose on the planet and is entirely singular in its unique message and style… something only YOU could create)...  

And, you haven’t had at least one successful solo show, with a room full of your ideal collectors and a body of well-priced art — a show that gets press coverage and the specific feedback you want… 

And, you haven’t achieved your financial goal (during the last 3 months of the program, you’ll focus on earning back a minimum of what you invested in this program)... 

We'll refund the full cost of the Resource Library (minus any payment processing fees)!

Because we know that the BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Resource Library works, but you must take action to get to the gold. That’s why we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

*Please know that “The Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Artist Guarantee” for both emerging and mid-career artists only applies to artists whose work results in tangible objects. 

*We define an artist who has BECOME INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN as one who has created an Epic Art Career on THEIR terms, based on a business model that works for them and reaches their ideal audience, clients and/or set of collectors all across the globe… be that through social media, in-person international events, or from the comfort of your home.



Jessica is confident that any artist who has studied their craft (meaning that you are skillful and savvy with your chosen materials and have created at least one body of work already), has solo or group exhibitions on their C.V., and completes ALL 12 months of lessons while showing up to ask for the support and coaching they need… will create an Unparalleled Body of Work… Slay their next Successful Solo Show(s)... and Achieve the Financial Goals they set by the end of the 12-month accelerator. 

THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST has been designed specifically with painters, illustrators, photographers, mixed media artists, animators, textile artists, designers, sculptors, craftspeople and those working with social practice in mind.  

Jessica has seen, time and time again, what happens when an artist finally understands and embodies their Big Why; when they address the shadow and internal narratives keeping them playing small and marry their BIG vision with aligned action, both in the studio and with their career. 

The result? 

An unparalleled body of art pours out of them, solo exhibitions are created, recognition comes their way, and money is made. 

Inside THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST, you get everything you need to create an art career that works for you. Including a 12-month Step-by-Step Action Plan with Artist-Designed Course Content… A Sovereign Art Career Assessment… Monthly Accountability… Weekly Mindset Strategies… Unparalleled Support from Established Artists & Industry Experts… A Smart & Savvy Business Model for Artists Guide… A Financial Game Plan that Suits Your Creative Career… A Thriving Community of Like-Minded Artists… 2 LIVE Community Coaching Calls a Month with Jessica... and SO much more!

We’re so confident you’ll love this program that you'll get our famous "Sovereign Artist Guarantee." 


If, after completing all the accelerator content in your first 3 months (Trimester 1, as evidenced in your SOVEREIGN ARTIST Trimester 1 Workbook & Program Portal), attending or listening to 75% of Group Coaching Calls and the Inner Circle and Ask Jessica Anything Monthly Sessions, utilising your 2 Audio Rescue Priority Passes, and seeking help in our Facebook community at least once a month… 

You haven’t broken through to the next level with your Unparalleled Body of Art or feel that you’re on your way to completing it, we’ll refund the cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

Your Unparalleled Body of Art often feels deeply like the work you know you were born to make — it’s an expression of your purpose on the planet and is entirely singular in its unique message and style… something only YOU could create. 

We know that sometimes, your Unparalleled Body of Art will take more than 3 months to complete, but if by the end of Trimester 1, with the completion of the accelerator content, you still don't feel like you've tapped that vein, we’ll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees). 

And if, after 12 months of completing all the accelerator content (as evidenced in your SOVEREIGN ARTIST Workbooks & Program Portal), attending or listening to 75% of Group Coaching Calls and the Inner Circle and Ask Jessica Anything Monthly Sessions, utilising your 2 Audio Rescue Priority Passes, and seeking help in our Facebook community at least once a month…

IF you haven't made an Unparalleled Body of Art, as defined above…

IF you haven’t had a successful solo show, unlike anything you’ve created before, with a room full of your ideal collectors and a body of well-priced art — a show that gets press coverage and the specific feedback you want… 

IF you aren’t set up with a viable financial plan for one or more income streams and have achieved your financial goal (don’t worry, THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST will help you decide on a big and exciting but achievable goal). 

We'll refund the full cost of the accelerator (minus any payment processing fees)!

Because we know that THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST works, but you must take action to get to the gold. That’s why we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST has helped HUNDREDS of artists elevate and soar — so we know it’s going to be transformational for you, too. You’ve just gotta show up and put in the work (but if you do and all fails, we’ve got your back — 100%).


We understand that many artistic processes, including performances, animation, book writing, and/or installation, do not qualify as salable objects and, therefore, require alternative funding models. 

If that’s your zone of genius, listen up!

If you enrol in THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST and after completing ALL 12 months of the accelerator content (as evidenced in your SOVEREIGN ARTIST Workbooks & Program Portal), attending or listening to 75% of Group Coaching Calls and the Inner Circle and Ask Jessica Anything Monthly Sessions, utilising your 2 Audio Rescue Priority Passes, and seeking help with your Grant Application from our Artist Support Team as well as in our Facebook community at least once a month…  

And you haven't received 50% of the funding your project requires through grants, crowdsourcing or alternative funding strategies… 

We'll refund the full cost of the program (minus any payment processing fees)! 

​​Because we’ve seen THE SOVEREIGN ARTIST work for ALL KINDS of artists (if they’re willing to take action)… so we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

*We define a sovereign artist as one who has created a Sovereign Art Career on THEIR terms, based on a business model that works for them and reaches their ideal audience, clients and/or set of collectors all across the globe… be that through social media, in-person international events, or from the comfort of your home.

The Studio Monthly Membership

Membership to The Studio is offered via a rolling 6-month subscription cycle. The minimum membership commitment is 6 months. Either via the Pay in Full offer of 6 months’ membership upfront, or via the recurring payment plan of 6 monthly payments. 

At the end of each 6-month subscription cycle members will be notified that a new 6-month subscription cycle is due to begin and will be given the opportunity to notify us that they wish to cancel their subscription. Cancellation notifications must be provided in writing via the guidelines provided and by the stated deadline. If a cancellation notification is not received in writing by the stated deadline, a new 6-month subscription cycle will begin. 

Members who registered in November 2024 at the Founding Member’s Price are guaranteed the Founding Member Status and Price as long as they maintain their subscription to The Studio as a continuous member. If a Founding Member cancels payment on their membership and then rejoins, the Founding Member price will not apply.

If a Founding member defaults on their monthly payments, they will lose their Founding Member Status and Price.

The Founding Member pricing was a special opportunity available only during the November 2024 launch period. We reserve the right to change the pricing for future launches. 

The Unstoppable Artist Guarantee
Applicable to members who registered via the Pay In Full 6-month upfront option:

We’re so confident you’ll love The Studio that when you committed to 6 months of membership up front and were granted the Keep Your Ass in the Studio Pay in Full Bonus, you also got our famous "Unstoppable Artist Guarantee."  

As an artist, you understand better than anyone that true progress comes from consistent effort. As a mentor, I know that overcoming internal barriers, combined with steady dedication, leads to wildly authentic, remarkable art. 

Six months allows you to fully engage with this membership and make the most of ALL the resources and support The Studio offers. 

In order to qualify for our guarantee, you must commit to the full 6 months, actively engage in all community activities, attend at least 75% of Q&A sessions, and complete all 12 complementary lessons in the Keep Your Ass in The Studio program — providing proof of your participation along the way.

Do the work — and count on our support every step of the way — and we promise you’ll see your artistic potential unfold.

See more details on the Unstoppable Artist Guarantee above. 


Jessica Serran
Závišova 230/12
Prague 4, 140 00
Czech Republic


We are happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have. Please call at 011 420 776 797 465 (outside of Czech Republic) or 776 797 465 (within CZ) or send an email to support@thebecoming.art

Last Updated: October 16, 2024