Spotlight Artist: Byranna Millis

How Bryanna Millis got to the other side

It's normal to get blocked or stuck... But it can be incredibly hard to understand why, or what we need to do next. 

Sometimes creative blocks arrive because we've started to question ourselves and our work... Or we've lost sight of our goals.

Sometimes they even happen because taking that next big step is going to change everything…  For the better! (And then our subconscious mind is scared as hell.)

When Byranna Millis joined the Become Internationally Known program, she had been in a near constant state of creative block since the pandemic.

She found herself changing her mind all the time. She bought new, exciting materials but didn't get around to using them. She had ideas… So many ideas! But couldn't see how to move forward with them. 

Today, Bryanna is finishing up one of the most powerful bodies of work she has ever created. She works with purpose and feels clear on the meaning behind her art, using it as a tool for healing and connection across communities. 

“I believe in myself and my work. I believe my vision is needed by the world and that I’m here with a true purpose. I feel I have arrived to myself as the artist I always wanted to be.” 

- Bryanna Millis

Check out more of her work here. 

xx jessica

I belong there, Mixed media on canvas board, 30in x 22in, 2022, I have a mother, a house with many windows, Mixed media on canvas board, 30in x 22in, 2022, I have a saturated meadow, Mixed media on canvas board, 30in x 22in, 2022, When heaven mourns for her mother, I return heaven to her mother, mixed media on canvas board, 30in x 22in, 2022