Spotlight Artist: Jessica Lane

Jessica Lane closed her eyes and leapt forward

One thing many artists struggle with is giving themselves PERMISSION. 

Permission to do what, you ask?

Permission to play. To experiment. To get into the studio. To enjoy the process. To listen to their intuition. To feel their feelings. To make “bad” art. To make “good” art…

A radical kind of self-love and creative growth is possible when we can ALLOW ourselves to be who and how we most authentically are… 

….To trust ourselves to try new things, to get up again if we fall down… To know our own strength. 

Since she joined the Become Internationally Known program a few short months ago, Jessica Lane has made huge steps in overcoming her struggles with permission. 

She listened to the quiet voice inside her that wanted her to, “throw paint, sing and dance, or yell” while she painted

She allowed herself to roll canvas on the floor, to tape her paintbrushes on the end of a yardstick and paint with them, and to work with her eyes closed. 

Today, she is creating energetic and dynamic paintings that reflect this spirit. The changes are happening on the inside too.

“I have become more loving and accepting of myself. I feel like my mindset has matured more in these 3 months than any time I can remember. The biggest change I see in myself is being more loving to myself, learning to sit with the uncomfortable, and asking better questions.” -Jessica Lane

Check out more of Jessica’s work here.

Experiment 407, Acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 48in x 60in, 2022; Experiment 408, Acrylic on canvas, 48in x 60in, 2022; The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Mixed Media on canvas, 48in x 48in, 2022, A Bad Painting 406, Acrylic on canvas, 48in x 48in, 2022