Spotlight Artist: Marie-Jose Joji

Marie-Jose Joji showed her work to strangers…

When Marie-Jose Joji worked as a professional modern dancer, she performed eclectic movements in front of large crowds of people, often... But the thought of showing her paintings to people felt different... 

Vulnerable... And incredibly scary.

Before she joined the Become Internationally Known Program just six months ago, she was creating art all the time…  But keeping it mostly to herself. 

Showing her work to strangers, in person or online, was a big scary new step.

With the support of the BIK community, she gathered her courage and shared her work with the world. 

Each time she did so, she became a little more confident.

And more connected to a deep sense of artistic community and people engaged in creative exploration. 

“Now I am part of a beautiful community of artists who share and exchange their challenges, successes and care for each other…Today, I’m even more excited than I was about what I’m creating now and what’s to come.” - Marie-Jose Joji

Check out her work here.

Infinite Possibilities, Ink, acrylic, water on paper, 60x45cm, 2022, Etudes 2, Ink and watercolour on paper, 70x50cm, 2022, Etudes 4, Ink and watercolour on paper, 70x50cm, 2022, Etudes 5, Ink and watercolour on paper, 70x50cm, 202


What has Marie-Jose Joji been up to since our last post? 

Marie-Jose Joji is feeling more confident than ever since learning how to knit all the threads of her creative practice together… 

Her love of dance, sculpture, painting, healing practice and nature have come together to create more joy in her studio and community of artists. 

She has become more familiar with her own rhythms and what works best for her in creative practice, letting the spirit of play guide her! 

She has recently connected with more art venues, making new contacts in the field, and developed promotional materials about her work she feels great about.