Spotlight Artist: Sol Gardiner

How perfectionism showed Sol Gardiner the way through

Have you ever struggled with perfectionism? 

Or been visited by that nagging voice that stops you from getting into the studio if you can't do it “just right”?

Becoming Artist Sol Gardiner faced their perfectionism during the first trimester of the Become Internationally Known Program… And just finished the first body of work that feels truly cohesive and authentic!

How did they do it? 

Sol leaned into the hard feelings that came with their perfectionism, embracing 

“experimenting and making "mistakes" as being a good and necessary part of the process.”

Instead of letting their fears block them from getting into the studio, they allowed whatever their feelings were at the time to inform the work and the evolution of each piece.

This internal alchemy transformed their fears and perfectionism into material that made their artwork feel more authentic and relatable to their audience! 

“I'm less focused on achieving some idea of "perfection" and more on following my intuition and letting things turn out however they do… I lean more into vulnerability rather than avoid it. I feel more capable; I did more work in less time than I'd thought possible before. I've learned so much. I feel more confident in making art and owning the title of "artist."

Check out Sol and their new work here.

Face Your Ghosts, Acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14in, 2022, Gotta Grow, You Coming, Acrylic and oil pastels on canvas, 20 x 24in, 2022, True Nature, Acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14in, 2022, Yearning for a Home I've Never Known, Acrylic and oil pastels on canvas, 20 x 24in, 2022