How to make money. Doing what you love.
Art by Chantelle Goldthwaite
Warning: This article has a hearty number of asterisk-filled expletives. You’ll see why in a minute.
Tell me if this moment sounds familiar – that moment where your heart drops and you think to yourself, “oh-f*ck”.
You were cruising along, doing your thing when that devastating email came,
the unexpected bill arrived or the thing you’ve been working on forever got lost in cyber-space.
Or my personal favourite: Oh-f*ck I don’t have enough money and my bank account is full of big fat zeros.
Oh-f*ck moments are the moments when you have no idea how things are going to work out
and you feel super confident that it won’t end well.
Here’s the thing that you need to know:
Oh-f*ck is a Gift and a Gateway to Making Money as An Artist
When used well it sets some amazing things in motion.
You see, creativity has everything to do with transforming one thing into another?
When we make art we turn simple materials into something transcendent and inspiring.
What if you could use your creativity to turn your financial oh-f*ck moment into a moneymaking gem?
When an oh-f*ck moments hit, it’s an opportunity to create something magical and lucrative.
I’ll never forget the defining moment when one of my oh-f*ck moments hit.
I was sitting on my front porch in California having just graduated with a master’s degree.
My bank account was hovering very close to zero and the rent was due.
I did something that I had never done before.
Instead of getting stuck in a shit-storm of panic and fear, I did a total detournement.
I asked a great question that was followed by a very inspired answer:
“What can I do right now, with the skills that I have and the resources available to me to bring in some cash?”
My only caveat was that it had to be aligned with who I was as an artist.
The inspiration rushed in; I grabbed my sketchbook, produced my first flyer, and started emailing everyone I knew.
I created a personalized Drawing Project went on to bring in thousands of dollars over several years.
That oh-f*ck moment was creative and financial gold.
You Can Make Money with Your Art Today.
Not in three weeks. Not in two days, but today.
Instead of collapsing under the panic of an oh-f*ck moment, try getting creative and ask yourself:
What can I do right now, with the skills that I have and the resources available to me to make this happen?
Which potential collector can I call?
Which painting can I sell?
Which gallery contact is out there?
What social media channel could I use to sell more work this week that I have all year?
It’s completely possible to have an incredible art career. As an introvert. As a highly sensitive soul. As YOU.
There are only two things standing between you and a successful art career.
Find and eliminate these things and your art career will thrive.