Spotlight Artist: Shaune Rogatschnig

You know how you sometimes get into a rut with your art… And can’t seem to get out of it?

You keep painting the same thing over and over again.

Perhaps because the work is selling well…

Or because the discomfort of breaking out of your own box keeps you playing safe?

South African artist Shaune Rogatschnig faced this very thing when she signed up for the Become Internationally Known program…

Shaune was known for her beautiful paintings of the beloved Fynbos - an indigenous South African plant.

By most accounts, things were working. Collectors loved her work… But she was frustrated and bored with what she was producing…

She wanted to bring more of herself to her work… And break out of the box she was in… But how?

Fast forward to today…

In the past six months, Shaune not only created a body of work unique to anything she’s ever done before…

But she now knows how to do this any time she’s ready to start a new series.

How did Shaune create a new body of work with incredible depth?...

...One that brings together her love of materials, nature and poetry?

She first gave herself permission to go in a new direction…

And cozied up to the recurring discomfort this brought up, along with all the shit her Inner Critic had to say.

Instead of pushing her Inner Critic away, she listened to it… Without making it wrong…

In a nutshell, she started loving the part of herself she’d rejected… And embracing the ways she was drawn to working.

No more “shoulds” or “I have to’s!”

Now, she feels confident and assured of herself, and her art… And had her biggest month of sales this year in June!

“I feel more confident to take up the challenge of different bodies of work and own the process and space of it. I acknowledge how hard I have worked and am proud of these monumental shifts and insights.”

If Shaune can do it, so can you...

She showed up fully… Even when everything in her wanted to stop.

She set intentions and faced her fears.

She got the support she needed…

And let her desires lead her into new territory…

Click here to see more of Shaune’s new work (and her gorgeous feed) on Instagram.

Featured artistsJessica Serran