Spotlight Artist: Stephanie Young
How much time do you spend wondering and worrying about what others will think?
Holding yourself back… Because what if someone doesn’t like it?
Procrastinating… Because it’s easier than finishing work and dealing with your fear of rejection?
When Canadian artist Stephanie Young signed up for the Become Internationally Known program… just six months ago, she felt blocked and frustrated.
She wasn’t sure what to do next…
And definitely didn’t feel grounded, even though her art was solid and eye-catching.
Others saw it, but she struggled to.
She wasn’t connected to her vision for her work and couldn’t evaluate whether it was doing what she wanted it to do.
Her mind had her running in circles.
Fast forward to today.
Stephanie knows what she wants to do and what’s at the heart of her art.
She knows what matters…. To her.
This means that she isn’t focused on what others are thinking about her work.
She cares about what she thinks…
And what her art is here to do…
And whether or not her art is meeting her own standards.
Which my friends, is the foundation of an incredible career.
Not only has she started seeing her work in a new light… She sees herself as a professional artist as opposed to thinking, “Will I ever become one?”
She now knows that she’s in charge of her thoughts… And shows up in the studio as a professional artist.
Not only has she created a new series of work (that she feels great about… and that promotes the incredible natural environment she lives in), she’s also had her work featured on a high-profile website, and put together her own brand new website…
Stephanie is showing up and creating the life and career she wants to live.
How did Stephanie do it?
It might not sound sexy, but she created a daily schedule and started treating her art career as a job - one that she herself up for like any other job.
She stayed connected to her vision, showed up in the studio even when she didn’t feel like it, and took days off when she needed to regenerate.
She created the right conditions and the right mindset.
From there, the artwork followed…
Check out Stephanie’s work and her new website (also incredibly professional!):